The relationship between BRI and FOIP

Date: 5/11 (Thur)
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Venue: Google Meet (No pre-registration required)
Moderator: Chung-min Tsai (Professor of Political Science, NCCU & Jointly Appointed Professor of TSE, NTHU)
Speaker: Dr. David Arase (Resident Professor of International Politics, Johns Hopkins SAIS Hopkins-Nanjing Center, China)
Bio: David Arase holds a BA from Cornell University(1977); an MA from Johns Hopkins SAIS (1982); and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley (1989). He is currently Resident Professor of International Politics at the Johns Hopkins SAIS Hopkins-Nanjing Center in Nanjing, China. Author of numerous journal articles, book chapters, and media commentaries on Indo-Pacific relations and Asian politics and of Buying Power: The political economy of Japan’s foreign aid (Lynne Rienner 1995) with six additional edited or co-edited volumes including The US-Japan Alliance: Balancing Soft and Hard Power (Routledge-Nissan Institute 2010), (awarded the 2011 Ohira Memorial Foundation Special Prize) and most recently The Belt and Road initiative in Asia, Africa, and Europe, Routledge, January 2023. Recent research affiliations include National Chengchi University (Taiwan); ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute (Singapore); Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong; National Institute of Defense Studies (Tokyo); International Christian University (Tokyo); University of Adelaide.
More information is available here.