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Pandemic prevention measures for the Academic Year 2022-2023 Update

1. Campus access control

The access control is now lifted, and the campus is open to visitors with restrictions on vehicle entry. Visitor vehicles are not allowed to enter the school during weekdays. On weekends and national holidays, visitor parking will be allowed on campus depending on the parking capacity. If your invited guests have parking requirements, please submit a request in advance to the Campus Security Team of the General Affair Office.

2. Courses

Except for synchronous/asynchronous distance courses, all courses will be held in person. Students are required to wear face masks at all times. Teachers are not required to wear a mask while giving lessons if social distancing can be maintained. Eating and drinking during the class session is completed prohibited.

If students are unable to attend their classes physically due to the pandemic prevention measures or issuance of entry visas, teachers should provide flexible learning methods to help them keep on track with their studies.

PE classes should be managed in accordance with the pandemic prevention measures planned by the NCCU Physical Education Office.

3. Dining

Campus cafeterias are open for eat-in. Pandemic prevention measures are taken in accordance with the regulations of Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC). Students are allowed to eat in the classroom during break times between each class sessions. Hypochlorous acid water will be placed in every classroom. Please do not talk with others while having your meals in the classroom and clean the desktop with hypochlorous acid water after meals.

4. Physical events and conferences on campus

Capacity limit and restrictions for meetings and events have been lifted. However, the organizer should control the list of event participants, measure body temperature, prepare sanitizer, and prevent eating and drinking during event activities. Except for certain situations specified in the CECC pandemic prevention measures regulations, all participants should wear masks at all times. Please adhere to the CECC regulations and adjust the measures accordingly on a rolling basis.

According to the announcement released on 2022 July 19, people are not required to wear masks but should prepare a mask with them in the following situations. If you have related symptoms or cannot maintain social distancing between unspecified contact, you should still wear a mask.

    1. When exercising outdoor or indoor.
    2. When taking individual/group photo outdoors or indoors.
    3. When driving a vehicle or riding a scooter/bicycle by oneself or with one’s household members.
    4. When livestreaming, filming, moderating an event, reporting, delivering remarks, giving a speech, lecturing, or during activities or event involving having conversations with others.
    5. When outdoor workers working in open spaces.
    6. When people are in forests/mountains (including forest recreation areas) and on the beach.
    7. When people are in hot/cold springs, dry sauna rooms, spas, steam rooms, saunas, during water activities, or in venues where masks can get wet easily.
5. Student dormitory

Student dormitories will be cleaned and sanitized before students move in. Sanitizer will be placed at the entrance of each dormitory for students to use. Residential students must wear masks in the common areas at all times.

Residential students who have suspected symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, abnormal sense of smell and taste, please take a rapid antigen test. If the rapid test is positive, please notify the dormitory service desk immediately for assistance (Zhuang Nei Dormitories ext.72146, Zhuang Jing Dormitory No.9 ext. 74328, Zi Qiang Dormitory No.1-3 ext. 73243, Zi Qiang Dormitory No. 5-10 ext. 75000 ).

The on-campus quarantine dormitories are prioritized for oversea students and students from offshore islands. Local students are subject to the principle of returning to their home.

6. The faculty, staff and students diagnosed and tested positive

The faculty, staff, and students who have been diagnosed or tested positive, please log in to INCCU to report the confirmed cases. You will be contacted by the school for pandemic investigation after you give your notice.

People who are confirmed to be positive case, please take a 7-day home quarantine plus 7-day self-health management. You are not allowed to go out during the home quarantine period. During self-health management period, you can go to work and school without taking a rapid test, but it is forbidden to engage in gatherings and other social gathering activities.

Local students should return to their home for quarantine, while overseas students and students from offshore islands need to move into the school’s quarantine dormitory for their 7-day home quarantine.

7. Home quarantine for the faculty, staff, and students

If the faculty, staff, and students classified as close contact because of their family or household members, friends or roommates have been diagnosed positive. They need to take home isolation and self-initiated epidemic prevention (3+4 or 0+7 plan). During the home quarantine period, it is not allowed to go out.

If you have “no symptoms” and “receive a negative rapid test result within 2-day” during the self-initiated prevention period, you are allowed to go out, work and attend classes in the campus. Please always wear masks in the campus, inside classrooms and keep social distancing. You are allowed to take off your mask when eating in the public area, and please put it on again as soon as you finish your meal. You are allowed to dine in the cafeteria, however, please wear your mask when you leave your seat or when you finish your meal.

Local students should return to their home for home-quarantine, whereas overseas students and students from offshore islands need to move into the school’s quarantine dormitory for a 7-day  quarantine or self-initiated prevention. Only the dormitory students who have taken 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccines and live in a suite or isolated room are allowed to undergo quarantine in their original dormitory room, otherwise all the local students are required to return their home for quarantine.

8. Self-health management for the faculty, staff, and students

During the self-health management period, please comply with the regulations announced by CECC while taking your personal prevention measures. You can enter the school for work and attending classes without taking a rapid test, but you are not allowed to engage in gatherings and social gatherings with others.

9. Have participated in common activities with confirmed cases (and rapid antigen test positive cases)

The school will offer one rapid test kit for those have participated in the same activities in school with the confirmed case (and the rapid test positive case) without wearing their mask for more than 15 minutes. You can still attend the classes if you are tested negative. If you develop any symptoms, please go to the hospital immediately.
People who have participated in the same activities with the confirmed cases (and rapid test positive cases) and have been wearing masks throughout the time, are required to conduct a self-health management.

10. Absence

For those who are diagnosed positive, tested positive with a rapid test, or required home quarantine, the faculty and staff are entitled to take an official leave or quarantine leave; students are  entitled to take quarantine leave.
During the self-initiated prevention or self-health management period, the faculty, and staff should be subject to the principle of work in the office. If you are feeling unwell and have suspicions  about your negative rapid test result, the faculty and staff may take leave or apply for working from home. Students are eligible for taking pandemic prevention leave.

Please check the OIC website for more updated COVID-19 announcements