論文名稱(中)/論文名稱 | Thesis Title | 作者(中)/作者 | Author | 指導教授(中)/指導教授 | Advisor | 畢業學年度 | 出版年 |
新冠疫情期間美國公司裁員之分析 | The analysis of corporate layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic period: evidence from the United States | 王亭懿 | Wang, Ting-Yi | 吳文傑 | Wu, Wen-Chieh | 112 | 2024 |
魔法、森林砍伐與死亡:探索女巫作為國家創造過程中的迷信 | Magic, Deforestation, and Death: Exploring the witch as a fetish in the state making process | 魯珊莎 | Sarah Mesloub | 吳考甯 | Courtney Work | 112 | 2023 |
教育不平等對創新的影響 | The Impact of Inequality in Education on Innovation | 李楷凡 | Kevin Gamaliel Higueros Cruz | 吳文傑 | Jack Wu | 111 | 2023 |
企業創新對於數位銀行之效益 | The Effect of Business Innovation on Digital Banking | 劉宛頤 | Liu, Wan-Yi | 史蘭亭 | Say, Alicia | 111 | 2023 |
年金改革對勞動條件的影響 | The Impact of National Pension Reform on Labor Conditions in Taiwan | 郭珈君 | Kuo, Chia-Chun | 連賢明 | Lien, Hsien-Ming | 111 | 2023 |
亞洲投資對於拉丁美洲的經濟成長 | The Impact of Asian Investment on the Economic Growth of Latin America | 艾德多 | Martinez Molina, Carlos Eduardo | 吳文傑博士 | Dr. Wen-Chieh Wu | 111 | 2023 |
黃金、房地產、比特幣與其他總體經濟因素間關係之研究 | The Relation of Gold, Real Estate, Bitcoin, and other Macroeconomic Variables | 勞思恩 | Grace Szu-En Lao | 林左裕 | Lin, Tsoyu Calvin | 111 | 2023 |
囤房稅政策與房價效應:以臺灣大臺北都會區的實證為例 | Multi-House Tax Policy and Housing Price Effect: Evidence from the Greater Taipei Metropolitan Area in Taiwan | 謝明穎 | Hsieh, Ming-Ying | 吳文傑 傅健豪 | Wu, Wen-Chieh/Fu, Chien-Hao | 111 | 2023 |
衡量發展之外森林依賴性的迷思:以 Prey Lang 森林為例 | Measuring Forest Dependence Outside the Development Myth: A Case in the Prey Lang Forest | 小愷以璜 | Juan Esteban Berrio Calle | 吳考甯 | Courtney Work | 111 | 2023 |
探索全球加密貨幣做為美元替代方案的可行性:特點、影響和挑戰 | Exploring the Feasibility of Cryptocurrency as a Global Currency: Characteristics, Implications, and Challenges | 杜力安 | Christian Delgado | 莊奕琦 | Chuang, Yih-chyi | 111 | 2023 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 55 entries