Workshop on Democracy & Constitutionalism

Date: 4/19 (Fri)
Time: 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Venue: CSS Conference Room 1, 13/F, South Wing, General Building
(Sign up before: 18 Apr 2024, 5pm)
Special guests:
– Dr. Fernando Casal Bértoa (University of Nottingham: Director of REPRESENT)
Topic: Parliamentary Fragmentation, (Semi-) Presidential Republics and Historical Legacies: On the Causes of Party System Instability in Asia
– Dr. Dimitry V. Kochenov [Central European University Democracy Institute (Budapest); CEU Dept. of Legal Studies (Vienna); Malyi Fellow, The University of Chicago Law School)]
Topic: The Smoke of Constitutionalism on the Altar of Supremacy: Dialogical Rule of Law in the Hands of the Court of Justice
– Dr. Sarah Ganty (Ghent University: J.S.D. candidate at Yale Law School)
Topic: Democracy and Merit: a Toxic Relationship
Miderator & organiser:
Dr. Chien-Huei Wu, IEAS Academia Sinica & ICI, NCCU
Dr. Yen-Pin Su, Dept. of Political Schience & Dr. Vivianne Y.-C. Weng, Dept. of Political Science & ICI, NCCU