IMES 2023 Graduation Ceremony
Graduation is a moment that marks the fulfillment of academic pursuit, and for the IMES 2023 graduates of the College of Social Sciences, it is an occasion of great significance.
With utmost joy and pride, the IMES Student Council prepares a special ceremony to honor you while seeking the blessings of your esteemed teachers.
This event is organized for IMES students who are planning to graduate in the current term. We hope this can be a more intimate moment for you to share your experiences and emotions with Jack, your classmates, your professors, 1st year IMES students and your friends and family. The gown is not mandatory and the dress code is free, but we would like to remind you that there will be a photographer.
Our ceremony will be held on Saturday 27th, May at 270111, 1st floor of General Building (South Wing), from 09:30 to 11:30*.
The College of Social Sciences will hold its separate graduation ceremony for international programs (IMES, IMAS, IDAS) on the same day Saturday 27th, May from 11:45 to 12:30 at the 1st floor of General Building. We encourage graduate students to register and attend that event as well.

Date: 5/27 (Sat)
Time: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Venue: Room 270111, South Wing, General Building
(Please sign up before May 26)
9:30 – 11:30 IMES Graduation Ceremony
11:45 – 12:30 The college of Social Sciences Graduation Ceremony
You can contact the student council members for more information.
*This event is free of charge.
*breakfast will be provided.